
Disgusted Distrusted Don't Get Busted

The life I lead is rich indeed. If not in thought then rightly in deed. The things I've done have harmed no one. And I regret none of the things I've done.  I refuse to be a servant or a wage slave. I'll be independent or in my grave. Stand alone all on your own. Be patient and wait until all seeds are sown. Perhaps it will be after your children are all grown...the future is something that cannot be known.

Awash in the diode light from the screen my face contorts in anger at what I see. Terrible tragedy. Holding my four day old son listening to the newscaster blather on about how many children have just been killed by gunfire in an elementary school. The shooter was a mad man they say. A 20 Year old with an AR15. Disgust. Then Distrust. Then Confusion. Always despair.  
This world is sick either way. Did they fake this? Do they do this to try to scare us? What else could be the purpose of reporting such a terrible tragedy to the world in prime time. Was it made up? I still havent seen one picture of one dead body...not even the shooters body. No shell casings...no blood. Just talking heads telling me that the unimaginable has just taken place.
Peoples children are dead...
And our child has just come in to the world...
A lying scheming world...
Full of tricks...and traps.
A pit of vipers.

Our hope comes from within. We have a willingness to be strong despite all opposition. Though we are systematically oppressed by forces entirely outside our control...those same forces power the engines that bring food to store shelves for us to purchase.  They are the forces that print the money we spend and weave the fabric of the sheets that grace our naked bodies all day...and all night...every night...forever.

We are trapped in a ludicrous conundrum.  A truly astounding set of circumstances has this generation completely frozen...unable to enact even simple changes to make life better for everyone.  We are unable to do anything for ourselves and are forced into servitude so that we may continue to eat the boxed food and drink pre packaged beverages for our most modern refreshment needs.  Everything has been done for us already and we are all unnecessary for any of it to continue...

These are the words I do not speak aloud because I know that no one wants to commiserate with me.
I know that I will be diagnosed and treatment will be recommended by any fucking moron that happens to hear what I have to say.  But it is not me who is sick...
But you.

You may not believe it.
You may not want to believe that they have you in their clutches....and you may not even know who they are...
You are in their science project...and you are just a number...
Every time it grows too big to manage...a war begins...
We have had 100 years of warfare without any rest.  Humanity is struggling to control it's most basic flaws...
We are failing. Not advancing. No progression and no adulthood.
We are all expected to be infants and wards of the state forever and ever...And the white coats know best. and the suits pay them to say so...and the new pill will solve everything and make you feel better.

And meanwhile...there is war and atrocity and injustice spreading so fast it is like fire to a dry wheat field.
Hatred and ignorance are commonplace among the people...and all lust for impossible wealth and power...
Our blood is to be used for the enrichment of the few...
Our flesh is to be fucked for pleasure...
We are never going to be free and we all know it now...
Our time has ended.  Our fathers are tired. Our children are helpless.
We are under the gun every day.
Our enemy is a coward. Though he is bold in his designs he cannot act without deception.
He has won. And we no longer have the strength to swing an axe.