

The highest virtue is not selfishness or selflessness. It is freedom. Liberty is the only thing worth fighting for...and if it means death...then that's what it means.  If the enemies of freedom are so insistent so as to threaten the lives of peaceful people and coerce them into a political framework not of their choosing, then you can assume their will be some kind of withdraw.  People don't vote.  The people who vote are not the majority and they are not fully informed about the system they participate in. Beyond that, their participation is only a surface activity.  No change comes from putting someone new in office as long as they hold allegiance to an established political party.  They care not for the fate of their fellow man, these politicians. Gone are the days of lofty ideals and discipline.  We now see the evidence of a corrupt and decadent empire nearing its apex. In the end we may all be dismayed at what could have been as we watch robotic drones spray the streets with bullets and bombs. Can the self-destruct sequence be cancelled. Can we do it?
When the strangle hold of the two party system is shattered by the revelation of the true public opinion...we may begin to see some light. I have great confidence in humanity, though i haven't seen any evidence of intelligent thought in the mainstream media in my entire life, i have met enough people to know that we are smarter than they give us credit for...and shit how hard should it be to borrow some fucking money in this country?
There aren't enough jobs, but people don't even want the jobs that do exist.
Everything is menial and not fulfilling...not to mention the pay is excruciatingly low in comparison with the costs of living.  a message to our so called leaders should go something like this...